Post by Jasin ZujovicPost by TetsuboI'm thinking of building a cleric of Sol Invictus (yes, the
Unconquered Sun from the Exalted setting, basically) for our
upcoming Expedition to Castle Ravenloft game.
Any thoughts on what domains I should be looking at?
I mean, Sun, sure, but he's a pretty multi-facted sort of god.
May go for Knight of the Raven prestige class. May multicass with
Warblade and go for Ruby Knight (after filing off the serial
numbers), in case that matters.
I think Healing, Protection or Knowledge might all fit my image
of a Sun god... Is there and anti-undead type of domain?
Glory gets +2 to turning checks and +1d6 to turning damage as a domain
power, some anti-undead spells, and some general anti-evil spells,
including bless weapon and holy sword.
+2 to turning checks means it lets you turn something 1 HD higher less
than 2/3 of the time (it would be 2/3 of the time, but once you go over
22 on your turn check there's no further effect). I'd rather see this
(or other turn-bump like it) give "+1 to effective cleric level for
turning purposes" or the like. This *always* has an effect, isn't
limited on a good roll (unlike Nat20 + Cha 18 -- +2 more on the check
does nothing), and can let you dust undead one level earlier than you
could have otherwise.
... oh. Huh. Improved Turning feat *does* do this. Have Glory give
'Improved Turning' instead.
If you get +1d6 on the turning damage as well, so much the better.
Especially, as I mentioned, if you make Sun domain "greater turn for
double cost" instead of "greater turn 1/day". Add in Extra Turning,
Improved Turning (though as I said above, Glory should give this instead
of "+2 to the turn check") and you're getting somewhere. Add also a
feat I remember seeing that gives greater turn damage (I think it was in
_Defenders of the Faith_, I'm sure it's been included in Complete Divine
or Complete Champion -- can't be arsed to look right now) and you'll be
on your way to a nicely-focused turning machine. Get some Radiant
Servant levels and you'll be doing even better.
Now, if we can just make Turn Undead not suck....
Keith Davies "History is made by stupid people
*** "Clever people wouldn't even try
*** "If you want a place in the history books "Then do something dumb before you die."
-- The Arrogant Worms